Brown sugar forest sweetness
Forest sweetness, honey, caramel, barnyard, malt, smells quite sweet,
Satisfying sweetness, soft, malty, and caramel notes, not bitterness/astringency, more like a ‚forest lemonade‘, with some bright floral notes, nice mushroom notes, mellow and easy to drink, due to the strong aroma it feels quite thick
soft, and with an oily feel
Soft and round
Not so pronounced, brown sugar aftertaste
slowly accumulating, gentle 2.5
This tea reminds of Wangong area. Strong forest sweetness, maltyness, which is not just plain sweet, but with a little bit of a herbal backbone to balance the body and add depth.
There is some fruityness if pushed, generelly I feel this tea can be pushed quite a bit, but well, I generally drink my puerhs rather light, but might be worth a try.
Its not super strong tee, and qi is not that deep, but the taste alone makes it a clear favourite of mine, - great for a relaxed session.