Full bodied bulang with gentle taste, and silky clean feel.
Herbal mineral taste, pure, uprising qi.
Sweet and smooth broken down taste, - warming (old) energy.
Brown sugar forest sweetness
Sweet and elegant, with little malty weight to it
Light and bright: potatoe peels on a malty vermouth backdrop
Floral-sweet sheng lemonade with a light feel.
Cozy Campfire with exotic woods and a bit of a rough edge
Bright, floral, sweet with an enlivening vegetable character
Gentle forest sweetness - soft, but also thin
Thick, clean and comforting Sheng with tangy woody profile
An expedition in the unspoilt but sour fruity woody jungle.
A well balanced airy fresh Gushu qi push
Bitter, crude and enlivening, with subtle sweetness
Smokey oldschool with a rough edge but good thickness and intensity
Refreshing, sour-fruity clean sheng with a very good feel to it.
Malty barley field - ready to drink now.
Watery, malty forest tea lemonade
Soft and pure - well balanced in all aspects. Fav
A silky gushu with good depth and an airy clean feel.
A thick and well balanced classic, cleanly stored
Silky fresh chestnut green tea
Old school yiwu with a tangy sour brightness, and ethereal feel
Fruity, sweet, Mushroomy, and a long reverbing aftertaste - just satisfying.
Easy floral drinker with silky texture and moderate depth
decently aromatic black for single steeping.
Enlivening, pure mineral sheng
Nice sweet pumpkin drinker.
Clean, light, herbal Sheng with enlivening qi though its depth feels more one dimensional.
malty sweet black tea, good and elegant drinker
Pure caramel, balanced high quality black tea! Can b more
good fresh gushu drinker, still quite green but with good traits to start with
Bulang power with Yiwu leaves, great mouthfeel, taste and aroma. Can be more
Caramel Toffee mountain water with light texture
powerful blend transforms from bulang to yiwu, with a pure feel, and high price tag
A sheng that feels like shu, more on the shallower side
Excellently produced sheng with smoky attributes, good texture and full taste. Can be more
Very nice tasting and smelling oolong with qi
Fruity, berry, malty and on the thin side, nice qi
Good sheng lemonade, a bit too watery and little depth for a high rating.
Like a Small mountainstone river, not overwhelming with flavour or anything else.
A very nice to drink white tea with decent quality
Great powerful tea, speaks not through aroma, but through the leaves. Can b more
A fragrant Menghai qi bomb, rougher than yiwu but solid and clean.
Good, but also a bit rough,
Great old, just lacking a bit sweetness in the end
This tea is a presence, not the taste (5.3) but what it says (6) - a pure one.
Exotic (rainforest) Woods with leathery freshness in a smooth clean cup with strong qi.
fruity tones mostly covered by sourness and bitternotes, qi is good, but not taste
Aromatic lemonade in the cellar of a shisha shop. Invigorating energy
Suble flavour (thick and ethereal at the same time) and strong qi. Very nice!
Light and floral sheng with decent qi and clean young taste.
Amazingly soft to drink sheng with juice like mouthfeel, and very good qi and feeling
clean sheng, with good feel and woody, rusty freshness.
Great for everyone who enjoys old tea, nicely aged but not completely broken down, great flavour and mouthfeel. can be more
This grips your body softly and sets it on a cloud ☁️. calming old tea, mellow sweet and soft
Musty, smokey cabinet with a smooth qi punch
A fresh resinous sheng with cooling aftertaste and clean feel.
this tea stars in aromatics and taste, and also quality. no bitterness, can be nicely drunk now, also good feel.
Great body and refreshing liquor, barely bitter and great to drink now! Can be more
Not very aromatic, but silky watery texture is central, little dry fruity notes
This tea speaks trough texture, oily, silky, tastes like mountain water, light bitterness. Good!
This tea speaks trough texture, oily, silky, tastes like mountain water, light bitterness. Good!
Elegant fully mouthfeel, but aftera few steeps not so much aroma, turns more into sour, bitter, aged notes. but still good!, qi not very strong
feels like a great teacher, bitter with wide texture and feel. Intense
starts flowery friendly and turns quite green and bitter soon, but clean and true. Bit tought to drink at times | much better w 90°
A sweet and clean drinker without edges, mellow herbal forest flavour.
Feels very good, even though its still has the green astringency, great bokeh of scents and mouth watering
good drinker, with overall smokeyness hiding the traits, watery texture and not much depth but nice malty floral taste
Gentle maocha with a variety of floral tastes, oily mouthfeel and soft qi
great explosion of roasted but fresh taste and a very clean feeling
Good yiwu taste, starting sweet, then more herbal, then watery - but not too strong in sensory depth
Light, green sheng with spicyness, floral and sweet notes.
Classical yiwu character, but rather light and not too much depth
full (and actually good) tasting, but very strong smoke/burnt taste - bit too much for me
nice daily drinker, fresh herbal honey taste and good mouthfeel, depth is more on the flatter side
smooth and clean high quality sheng, feels good in the mouth, has an empty quality
brown sugar sweet and round sheng, but not feeling depth
herbal, dry, flowery sheng with a hunch of aged depth. drinks nicely
Nice to drink. Light bodied, tasty, centering qi
Solid sheng power with some bulang roughness, very affordable - good in zini!
bright fruity notes with a pronounced musty earthy base.
A refreshing walk the melon forest after rain. Sweet, fresh, spicy, oily.
Tastes like young shu, but is very clean, and has centering qi
Lovely example of a young gushu: punguent energy and soft taste, floral-thyme aroma
Great sweet yiwu drinker, with nice texture, can be more.
One of those empty mysterious shengs with good depth and centering qi
Flowery, bright, sweet with good mouthfeel and some head qi.
great quality drinker feels like nature, - flowery meadow.
Geschmacklich interessanter kaugummi sheng
Gentle soft and sweet well aged shu with calming qi
Nicely aged gentle sheng, with fresh notes and leathery woody depth
Nicely broken down, smooth shu with nice qi, but also light
Einfach gestrickter sheng, mit biss, qi, aber ohne tiefe.
Delicious, mellow, broken down shu
Würzig, honigcremiger middle aged sheng, decent
creamy middle aged sheng, with krautig feel & qi
Light, mellow, sweet, soft - very nicely aged sheng
Solid and rather light liu bao.
excellent broken down shu, full chocolaty campher body and calm qi
Nicely aged, calming sheng
Very Light, sweet, mellow, broken down Maocha.
Leckerer shu, mit schöner Klarheit und Sheng Tiefe,
Fruchtiger sheng mit Yiwu Charakter
Decent, solid shu w some soft aged energy
Wie der Name sagt, nicht ancient aber ein solider Sheng mit kraftvoller Basis
Light, clear and clean classic shu taste, with no bad traits. Good for Guests
A smokey sheng with broad taste, and body, and still some punch
Ancient, with an edge. Würzig, fruchtig. gut! Aber für den Preis nicht my 1st choice
Würziger Sheng mit Tabakgeschmack.
Purer Tee, vollmundig und leicht, inbegriff der Leere
Sanfter doch kraftvoller Sheng, mit angenehmen Geschmackprofil. Exzellent pur
chocolate, toasted, duckshit. darkness, nice aroma and full taste
Great sheng. round, sweet and subtle bitterness, angenehmes qi
Hochqualitativer, leichter und süffiger sheng. Ausgewogen, sanftes qi. Etwas teuer für den charakter
Very delicious and clean sheng. Nice drinker, inbegriff des klaren sheng
hochwertiger Shu,kein absoluter people pleaser weil trocken und nicht süss
hochwertiger klarer sheng, allerdings nicht mit so viel körper/mouthfeel wie andere, dazu starke astringente noten die überlagern
Vollmundig,mit allem, wenn auch irgendwie dünn, aber alles in allem geschmacklich sehr gut. Pleaser aber kein Puncher
Schwarztee mit sehr gutem Ausgangmaterial. guter ausgewogener Geschmack, aber nicht unbedingt ein crowdpleaser
Nice open malty caramelly drinker without sour or bitterness
einer der besten sanften süßen shu’s die ich hatte, vollmundig zart
klass. Sheng mit leicher Astringez, aber warmen, sanften Noten. Gut aber kein ‘charakter’
Runder, weicher Liu Bao mit Tiefe und Sanften qi
Erster war sehr gut, ausgewogen, der zweite etwas mehr klassisch sheng, gute qualität, und energie
Fruchtig süsser frischer Sheng, mit netter rauchigkeit, kaum bitter, geschmack variiert je nach temp
wenig gereifter kraftvoller sheng, nicht sehr süß und auch nicht stark im geschmack, aber gute qualität und qi
kein allszugroßartiger geschmack aber leckeres mundgefühl, nice refreshing drinker!
schöner aromatisch blumiger Steinfrucht Oolong, kann ich auch 25g mehr haben
nice sweet longlasting black tea drinker, could be some more
Guter Oolong der in mein Geschmacksprofil passt, geröstet mit ausgeprägtem Orchideearoma
recht gut für einen sheng, schönes alter und punguent, muss aber nicht mehr sein.
guter balanced daily drinker, bei hohem ratio, aber nicht so süß wie teasoul organic ripe
different experiment. Smoked shu, Good quality. Aber riecht stark, u schmeckt etw wie vergammelt.
Weicher, ehrlicher everyday shu, mit ein hauch alter tiefe. etwas zu trocken,Vlt 20gr
Nice balanced, full body, but still sheng like with hay and astringency. Not necc to buy more
Ganz ok. Decent, light and clear drinker. Nicht überragend süss, eher spartanisch.
Solider everyday shu, am besten mit starker dosierung
Ein feiner vielschichtiger und tiefer, dunkler oolong. Für meinen Geschmack etwas zu viel von diesen getr. fruchtnoten
nice and light oolong. Karamell/zimt mit hochlandcharakter
Nice black tea with fragrant soft taste, also good in grandpa style
FAV, schöner alter Geschmack mit Tiefe
nice, round everyday shu, nicht allzuviel tiefgang
So leicht, dass in gongfu cha wenig aufgüsse môglich sind
leichter aber feiner formosa, besser wenn mehr tee
ganz gut aber wegen sauerheit eher weniger
für Maocha gut
Das schöne an diesem Shu ist seine Klarheit und Leichtigkeit, ja 50g
Freundlicher voller Geschmack und süsse, guest approved
Ganz schon lecker, warmer pflaumenduft, auch für gäste
Süffig, gut, mellow, könnte gern mehr sein.